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total solution for mobility
矯形腳托 Ankle foot orthosis



  1. 左右肩胛骨 (俗稱‘雞翼位’)是否高低不一
  2. 盆骨位(臀部)或腰部有沒有傾斜
  3. 左右是否有高低肩
  4. 走路時身軀偏向左/右

Easy self-assessment
Scoliosis can go unnoticed in a child because it rarely painful in the formative years. Parents should keep on watching your child from the age of 8 for the following signs of scoliosis:

  1. Unleveled scapulae (shoulder blade)
  2. Unleveled hips or abnormal waist line
  3. Unleveled shoulders
  4. Body centre line shift to left/right while walking



Another way is to ask the child to bend forward slowly, keep his/her knee straight, and stop when the shoulders are level with the hips. View at the back and front to find out any asymmetry of the back from behind.